Tri Global Expands Wind Energy Development


Tri Global Energy, an independent renewable energy company, says it has maintained its position as the leading developer of wind energy projects under construction in Texas, according to the U.S. Wind Industry Fourth Quarter 2019 Market Report from the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), the nation’s trade association of the U.S. wind energy industry.

Texas also claimed the top spot for wind projects under construction during the last quarter of 2019 after outpacing all other U.S. states by 28%, a nearly 900 MW increase year over year.

Tri Global Energy led wind power capacity under construction in Texas, with a reported 1,494 MW of combined project capacity – nearly 25% of the total wind under construction in the state.

“As Tri Global Energy continues its growth to new areas of the country, our opportunity is about more than advancing renewable energy – it’s also about continuing to make an impact in the local communities which host our projects,” says John Billingsley, chairman and CEO at Tri Global Energy.

During the quarter, Tri Global Energy also launched expansion into Illinois, Indiana and Virginia for wind and solar energy development projects and energy storage, increasing the company’s U.S. footprint and renewable energy and storage capabilities. In addition to its office in Lubbock, Texas, Tri Global has opened other regional offices in El Paso and Forreston, Ill., and Hartford City, Ind.

Tri Global Energy is an independent utility-scale renewable energy originator and developer in the U.S. The company has developed more than 3,000 MW that are in financing, construction or operation.

For the complete U.S. Wind Industry Fourth Quarter 2019 Market Report, click here.

Photo: A Tri Global Energy wind project.

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