The Midwest Independent System Transmission Operator (MISO) has implemented a new look-ahead commitment (LAC) tool for its power grid operators following approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
The LAC tool is designed to more efficiently plan near-term resource commitments in the real-time market. According to MISO estimates, the tool is expected to save more than $2 million annually in the region, which covers 11 states and the Canadian province of Manitoba.
MISO says it developed the LAC tool after extensive analysis of the current process used in real time for the commitment of resources to produce energy. The tool displays on the control-room operator's instrument panel, giving the operator access to new operational information.
The application will help decision-making and provide the ability to take fast actions that will keep power flowing efficiently, MISO explains, adding that its independent market monitor has consistently identified a look-ahead capability as a means of improving the commitment of fast-start resources.
‘MISO members will benefit from operational and market efficiency as a result of the look-ahead commitment tool,’ says Richard Doying, vice president of operations for MISO. ‘The current intra-day reliability assessment commitment process is less efficient for near-real-time resource commitments and often must be done manually.’