TGS Completes Wind, Metocean Program Ahead of Central Atlantic Lease Auction


TGS has completed a regional wind and metocean data collection campaign involving deploying and operating five offshore LiDAR buoys covering 600 kilometers, from Massachusetts to the Virginia-North Carolina border. 

Data were collected from July 2022 through this month.

Campaigns were conducted to allow multiple customers to subscribe to the same floating LiDAR data, which was used to bias-correct TGS’ Numerical Weather Prediction model simulations.

Both the measurement data and weather prediction model data are being utilized by developers to inform their bidding strategies for BOEM’s upcoming Central Atlantic offshore wind lease auction. 

The company says measured LiDAR data reveals different wind speeds compared to prior wind modeling studies. 

“TGS is committed to advancing the global offshore wind industry, and the unparalleled scale of our offshore LiDAR measurements along the U.S. East Coast illustrates this dedication,” says Carel Hooijkaas, EVP of New Energy Solutions at TGS. 

“These unique measurements empower developers to accurately assess the true wind resource variability across most of the U.S. East Coast offshore wind lease areas.”

The deployments were completed in partnership with EOLOS.

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