SSE Submits Planning Consent Application for Arklow Bank Wind Park 2


SSE Renewables is submitting a planning consent application to Ireland’s An Bord Pleanála, for offshore infrastructure associated with the company’s proposed 800 MW Arklow Bank Wind Park 2 project located in the Irish Sea.

The Maritime Area Planning Application is being submitted by Sure Partners, a subsidiary of SSE Renewables.

The application proposes construction of 56 turbines, with each installed on steel monopile foundations. The application also proposes two offshore substation platforms as well as associated export, inter-array and interconnector subsea cabling connecting the farm to Ireland’s national grid.

“We’re pleased to announce we’re submitting what we believe is a robust and compelling planning application to deliver a world class renewable energy asset at Arklow Bank using the very latest offshore technology that can generate the additional green energy Ireland needs to meet 2030 renewable energy targets in a sustainable and environmentally sensitive manner,” says SSE Renewables’ James O’Hara.

“Arklow Bank is a unique and well-advanced project that enjoys widespread public and stakeholder support, especially among communities in south Wicklow and north Wexford. By delivering on the Arklow Bank vision we can make a significant contribution to climate action while bringing enormous national and regional socioeconomic benefits such as up to €800 million economic investment, hundreds of jobs and a multi-million Euro Community Benefit Fund.”

Alongside the planning application, SSE Renewables has submitted an EIA Report as well as a Natura Impact Statement. Subject to planning consent and a final investment decision by SSE, project construction in 2026 with first energy generated by 2029.

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