Amber Baltic Wind Submits Offshore Wind Proposals


Amber Baltic Wind Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Shell plc, has submitted proposals for new offshore wind locations in the Polish Baltic Sea zone as part of the latest government tender. The sites included in the tender will help deliver Poland’s ambition of reaching 11 GW of installed offshore wind capacity by 2040.

Shell has also signed the Polish Offshore Wind Sector Deal, which aims to develop local content in the supply chain supporting the construction and operation of offshore wind farms. Under the Sector Deal, the industry commits to the creation of up to 60,000 direct and indirect jobs in Poland’s wind industry by 2040.

“Shell has been an energy partner for Poland for 30 years and we continue to stand ready to support Poland in delivering a more secure and sustainable energy system,” states Shell Poland Country Chair Piotr Kuberka. “Offshore wind has a chance to become a cornerstone of both the Polish energy transition as well as energy independence. It is equally an important part of Shell’s plans for Poland as we look to expand our lower-carbon businesses and help a range of sectors decarbonize.” “By signing the Offshore Wind Sector Deal, we have also committed to working with Polish communities and businesses to bring new high-skilled jobs and help develop local supply chains,” adds Kuberka.

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