Sen. Reid Details Vision For Renewable Energy


Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., recently unveiled his vision for 2008 to preserve Nevada's environment, while creating jobs by making the state a leader in renewable energy.

‘I have long championed environmental causes in Nevada and will continue to do so,’ says Reid. ‘I want to preserve Nevada's outdoor heritage and the areas where families go to hunt and fish as well as ensure Nevada children have clean air to breathe for decades to come. And by developing Nevada's renewable energy industry, we can create thousands of jobs while we're at it.’

Reid's plans regarding energy and the environment include:

– passing legislation that would increase financing options for building transmission capacity/access to and distributed generation of electricity from renewable energy resources in Nevada and across the West,

– extending and expanding federal tax incentives for renewable energy production and investment,

– looking for opportunities to add even more provisions to the national climate change bill to promote renewable energy technology in Nevada and to help the state adapt to the effects of fossil fuel-induced warming, like drought, invasive species and increased wildfires, and

– growing incentives for on-farm energy production from sustainable energy sources, such as solar and wind.

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