Seaway7 Awarded Baltica 2 Transport and Installation Contract


PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna and Ørsted have awarded Seaway7, part of the Subsea7 Group, a contract for the transport and installation of the Baltica 2 wind farm substations located offshore Poland.

The project contract is expected to close later this year. Offshore activity is scheduled to take place in 2026 utilizing the company’s heavy lift and heavy transportation vessels.

“This is our second contract award in the emerging Polish market and we are pleased to be taking a role in developing offshore wind in this key location,” says Seaway7’s Maria Eidesvik. “With this project we also look forward to continuing our long-standing relationship with Ørsted on our sixth offshore wind project together.”

The 1.5 GW wind farm will be located in the Polish Baltic Sea, approximately 40 km from shore.

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