Salamander to Build 100 MW Floating Offshore Wind Project


Salamander, a joint venture among Ørsted, Simply Blue Group and Subsea7, has signed an exclusivity agreement as part of Crown Estate Scotland’s Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) leasing round.

The 100 MW Salamander floating offshore wind project, located about 22 miles off Peterhead, is designed to provide Scotland and its supply chain with an early opportunity to deliver floating offshore wind ahead of the larger scale ScotWind buildout.

With the agreement in place, the project will start offshore wind development work, while Marine Scotland’s planning process for the INTOG Sectoral Marine Plan (INTOG SMP) is completed.

With gigawatts of floating wind buildout expected in Scotland and the U.K. over the next decade, Salamander will be a valuable stepping-stone to ensure local supply chains are ready and able to take full advantage of this opportunity.

Salamander will demonstrate a package of innovative technologies at commercial scale, readying them for rollout in utility-scale projects such as the ScotWind leases. These technologies will be critical to ensuring floating offshore wind energy is deliverable, affordable for consumers and contributes value to local industry and business.

The INTOG round was split into two pots – one for smaller scale innovation projects of 100 MW or less and one for larger projects linked to oil and gas infrastructure. Salamander was successful in the innovation route.

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