RWE Using ZX Lidars Technology to Validate Siemens Gamesa Turbine Performance


Renewable energy company RWE has started power performance testing of the Siemens Gamesa 6.0 MW wind turbines at its Galloper Offshore Wind Farm utilizing the nacelle-based ZX TM tool from ZX Lidars.

ZX TM allows the power curve of wind turbines to be measured and verified as a function of the hub height wind speed and replaces the need for using a meteorological mast and anemometry installation. Operational rotor equivalent power curves can also be measured with ZX TM’s unique 50 points around the full rotor swept area, which is particularly important for turbines with larger rotor diameters offshore and on sites with complex veer or shear profiles onshore, the company says.

Siemens Gamesa approved the use of the nacelle-based continuous wave scanning ZX TM lidar in October 2020.

In addition to the ZX TM product, ZX Lidars provides the ZX 300 and ZX 300M platforms for wind energy and meteorological applications. These lidars deliver accurate wind measurements in both onshore and offshore applications at measurement heights/ranges across the full swept area of the blades of modern wind turbines and beyond.

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