Red Barn Wind Farm Begins Energy Delivery


Madison Gas and Electric (MGE) has partnered with Wisconsin Public Service, a subsidiary of WEC Energy Group, to place the 92 MW Red Barn Wind Farm into service.

Located on about 10,000 acres of land, the wind farm has 28 turbines in the towns of Clifton and Wingville, Wis. Red Barn is expected to generate enough energy to serve about 50,000 households annually. MGE’s share is expected to serve about 5,000 households each year.

“Red Barn is another important step in our ongoing transition to a more sustainable energy future,” says Jeff Keebler, MGE’s chairman, president and CEO. “We are working aggressively to reduce our carbon emissions at least 80% from 2005 levels by the end of this decade and achieve net-zero carbon electricity by 2050.”

In the last year, MGE has received approval for three investments in large-scale solar energy and battery storage.

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