Propel NY Energy Transmission Project Gets Nod from NYISO Board


Propel NY Energy — the 90-mile electric transmission project proposed by the New York Power Authority (NYPA) and New York Transco (NY Transco) — has been chosen by the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) to achieve the Long Island Offshore Wind Export Public Policy Transmission Need Project Solicitation.

The Propel NY Energy transmission solution will strengthen the backbone of the electric grid with increased transmission capacity to help inject more renewable energy from offshore wind facilities into the statewide energy grid.

By building new underground and submarine transmission lines in existing public rights-of-way and substation facilities on Long Island, in New York City and across Westchester County, Propel will efficiently and economically deliver clean energy to homes and businesses that benefit all New Yorkers and aid the state in achieving critical clean energy goals.

Propel NY Energy will provide benefits to New Yorkers that include:

  • Reliability by providing redundancy and efficiency in the transmission network to ensure uninterrupted delivery of clean energy to high demand areas.
  • Resiliency to withstand the effects of climate change by hardening the transmission system with state-of-the-art, modern, durable infrastructure.
  • Greenhouse gas emission reductions from delivering offshore wind generation into the energy grid.
  • Lowering the cost of electricity to consumers through lower production costs and reduced transmission congestion as well as reductions in load payments and curtailment reduction.
  • Clean energy and construction jobs to engage New Yorkers in advancing a clean energy economy.

“The Propel NY Energy transmission solution, selected this week to carry offshore wind across Long Island, into Westchester, New York City and into the statewide energy grid, is great news for New Yorkers,” says George Latimer, Westchester County Executive. “It will help New York meet its nation-leading clean energy goals and provide clean energy, economic activity and family-sustaining jobs in the green energy sector.”

The next phases of Propel include stakeholder engagement, community outreach and the permitting process. Pending regulatory approvals, Propel NY Energy construction is anticipated to commence in 2026 and enter service in 2030.

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