Port San Luis Harbor District, CET Partner on Offshore Port O&M Assessment


The Port San Luis Harbor District‘s board has approved entering into a Project Evaluation Agreement with Clean Energy Terminals, enabling the parties to evaluate the feasibility of an offshore wind O&M port facility in San Luis Obispo Bay. 

If an O&M facility is found to be feasible, the agreement also sets out a pathway for the companies to negotiate a lease option for the project’s development and operations. 

“The Harbor District’s mission is to support commercial, recreational, and coastal-related activities, and to this end, offshore wind represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity for San Luis Obispo Bay that we simply cannot overlook,” said Suzy Watkins, Harbor Director of the Port San Luis Harbor District.

“The commercial and energy-related activities of the last century led to infrastructure investments that harbor users still enjoy today, including Harford Pier and the federal breakwater. Offshore wind represents this century’s opportunity to invest in local maritime projects that will ensure the Harbor’s role as a critical economic engine in SLO County for generations to come.”

Project evaluation is expected to take between six and 18 months.

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