Pattern Shares Anticipated Economic Impact from SunZia Transmission, Wind Projects


Pattern Energy Group LP, a provider of renewable energy, says its SunZia Transmission and Wind projects are expected to generate $20.5 billion in total economic benefit, including direct, indirect and induced economic benefit, as well as fiscal impacts. 

These projections are the result of an independent study conducted by research firm Energy, Economic and Environment Consultants LLC. Together, SunZia Transmission and SunZia Wind will enable access to over 3,500 MW of New Mexico wind power.

“SunZia is an investment in America’s energy future that will pay strong dividends, including more than $20 billion in expected economic impact, over 2,000 new jobs and clean power for three million Americans,” says Hunter Armistead, CEO of Pattern Energy.

SunZia Wind and Transmission will provide an estimated direct economic benefit of over $16 billion, including capital expenditures, operational expenditures and payments to private landowners across New Mexico and Arizona. 

Together, the projects will generate an expected $1.3 billion in fiscal impacts that will go to governments, communities and schools. These benefits are generated through sales and use taxes, property taxes, community benefit payments and land payments to federal and state agencies.

The SunZia Transmission project alone will generate nearly $1 billion in expected economic impact for both New Mexico and Arizona, according to the independent study.

SunZia Transmission is a 550-mile, 525 kV high-voltage direct-current transmission line between central New Mexico and south-central Arizona, with the capacity to transport 3,000 MW of energy. 

SunZia Transmission will carry the power produced by the SunZia Wind project, which includes more than 3,500 MW of new wind generation in Torrance, Lincoln and San Miguel counties, N.M.

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