OX2 Seeks Permit for Triton Offshore Wind Farm Construction


OX2 has submitted a permit application under the act of Sweden’s Exclusive Economic Zone to construct an offshore wind farm in the Swedish Economic Zone off the coast of Skåne in the south of Sweden.

The Triton wind farm will comprise up to 129 turbines with a maximal height of 370 meters. The total installed capacity will be about 1,800 MW, and the production will be about 7.5 TWh per year, which corresponds to the electricity production of one nuclear reactor or the electricity consumption of 1.5 million households.

“I am very happy that we are taking the next step in the development of Triton,” says Hillevi Priscar, country manager for OX2. “The wind farm will be constructed on bottom fixed construction, which is a well-proven technology. This will keep time of construction short. Once completed the wind farm will contribute with additional electricity in the south of Sweden and contribute to Sweden reaching its ambitious climate targets.”

OX2 has previously applied for Natura 2000 and a permit under the act of Sweden’s Exclusive Economic Zone for the offshore wind farm Galatea-Galene on the west coast of Sweden.

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