OX2 Seeks Construction Permit for 5,500 MW Aurora Offshore Wind Farm


OX2 has submitted a permit application under the act of Sweden’s Exclusive Economic Zone to construct an offshore wind farm in the Swedish Economic Zone between the islands of Gotland and Öland.

The Aurora wind farm will be situated about 20 kilometers from the island of Gotland and 30 kilometers from the Island of Öland. The wind farm will comprise of up to 370 wind turbines, with a maximum height of 370 meters. The total installed capacity is estimated to 5,500 MW. OX2 has previously applied for a Natura 2000 permit for the Aurora wind farm.

The electricity production from the planned wind farm will be about 24 TWh per year, which corresponds to the electricity consumption of about 5 million households or about 17% of the total electricity consumption in Sweden.

“This is the next step to realize the Aurora wind farm,” says Hillevi Priscar, country manager of OX2 Sweden. “Together with our other planned offshore wind farms, it constitutes a significant part of the electricity production Sweden needs to reach the climate targets and to secure the production and energy independence of Sweden.”

The project is in an early development stage and part of OX2 Sweden’s project development portfolio, which by the end of the first quarter 2022 amounted to 11.7 GW.

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