OX2 Begins Development of Tyrsky Offshore Wind Farm


OX2, which develops renewable and emission-free electricity production, is expanding its offshore wind power project portfolio. The company has started the development of a new wind farm called Tyrsky in Finland’s economic zone in the Gulf of Pohjan. The area is located southwest of Vaasa in the open sea, about 30 kilometers northwest of Kaskis.

“A maximum of around one hundred wind turbines would be built in the area. The annual production amount of energy should be around 6 TWh,” says Janne Lamberg, business director of OX2 Offshore Wind Power.

The project will be taken forward by starting large-scale studies and the environmental impact assessment procedure (EIA). Lamberg estimates that these will start next spring.

“Offshore wind power plays a key role in Finland’s work against climate change and electrification,” emphasizes Lamberg. “Producing green hydrogen, electrifying industrial processes and large data center projects require a huge amount of renewable electricity production. In our view, offshore wind power is the most competitive way to produce renewable electricity at the end of this decade.”

There are plenty of similar offshore wind projects in other parts of Europe, and projects in Sweden’s economic zone have already been advanced.

OX2 received a research permit for its Tyrsky project from the government last year. According to Lamberg, the approval phase will last about 3-4 years. The offshore wind farm could produce electricity at its fastest already at the turn of the next decade.

The project’s electricity transmission is planned to be carried out with marine cables from the wind power area to the shore, and various shore options are currently being investigated.

“OX2 will investigate this in the studies of the coordination of wind power with other forms of use in the sea area, as well as the alignment of electricity transmission cables at sea and on land,” Lamberg emphasizes.

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