Orsted, CIP Agree to Develop 5.2 GW at Four Offshore Wind Projects


Ørsted and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) have entered into a 50/50 partnership to develop approximately 5.2 GW of offshore wind in Denmark across four projects under the open-door scheme in Denmark.

The projects are Vikinge Banke (1.1 GW) and Jyske Banke Nord (1.1 GW) in the North Sea, and Bornholm Bassin Syd (1.5 GW) and Bornholm Basin Øst (1.5 GW) in the Baltic Sea. Together, the projects correspond to more than double Denmark’s current installed offshore wind capacity.

The partnership between Ørsted and CIP encompasses the development, construction and operation of the offshore wind farms as well as the related transmission assets. The partnership envisages that the open-door projects can create a Danish Power-to-X stronghold by delivering large-scale renewable electricity as soon as possible and with a target of 2027/2028 if feasible.

“Denmark has been a pioneer in offshore wind and is a front-runner in the green transformation,” says Rasmus Errboe, head of Region Continental Europe at Ørsted. “The four major open-door projects can help consolidate Denmark’s continued leadership position and create the foundation to kick-start the next phase of a Danish business adventure around the production of renewable hydrogen and green fuels. I’m very excited about the partnership with CIP where we combine our unique skills and knowledge to develop a substantial part of Denmark’s offshore wind resources.”

“It’s an obvious and good idea for the most experienced Danish offshore wind developers to join forces to ensure that Denmark’s largest build-out of offshore wind takes place as efficiently as possible and with due respect for the environment and biodiversity in Danish waters,” states Torsten Lodberg Smed, senior partner at CIP. “We’re proud to present our proposal together with Ørsted for how we can ensure the green energy for Denmark, which has never been more necessary, than during these times. If we succeed in completing the projects, we’ll also ensure the renewable electricity needed to give the Danish Power-to-X industry a much-needed boost, and we’re pleased with the support from the Danish pension funds and their members, who priorities and invest in the green transition.”

The partnership is subject to merger clearance, which is expected before the end of 2022.

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