Ohio Schedules Hearing For Apex’s Republic Wind Farm Proposal


The Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) is holding a hearing on Oct. 2 to allow the public to express their views about Apex Clean Energy’s proposal to construct a wind energy project in Seneca and Sandusky counties.

According to the board, the proposed Republic Wind Farm would be situated across approximately 24,000 acres of leased private land in Adams, Pleasant, Reed, Scipio and Thompson townships in Seneca County and York Township in Sandusky County. The facility would consist of up to 58 wind turbines with a total generating capacity of up to 200 MW.

The local hearing will take place at the VFW Post in Green Springs at 6:00 p.m., says the board.

The adjudicatory hearing in this proceeding will begin at 10 a.m. on Oct. 15 at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio in Columbus. The purpose of the adjudicatory hearing is to allow formal parties to the case to present pre-filed testimony and evidence and to cross examine other parties’ witnesses. The OPSB says it has not yet scheduled a date for the final decision in this case.

According to a recent report from the Wind Energy Foundation (WEF), the wind farm, if approved, is projected to deliver $120 million in local economic impact over its life, as well as create 740 direct, indirect and induced jobs that could result in up to $43.1 million of earnings. The majority of these jobs would go to in-state workers, as all wind energy development in the state is subject to a law requiring at least 50% of the workers are Ohioans, according to WEF.

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