Offshore Wind Developer Planning Big Things for New York Harbor


Attentive Energy One (AE1) says it will be building two offshore wind port facilities in New York Harbor to support its 1.4 GW offshore wind power development 40+ miles off the New York and New Jersey shores.

AE1, a joint venture of TotalEnergies and Rise Light & Power has entered into a lease agreement with Arthur Kill Terminal (AKT) – conditional upon New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) approval – under which it will serve as a long-term master tenant of the site and assist in project development.

Additionally, AE1 will develop an operations and maintenance facility at the Ravenswood Generating Station in Queens (the “O&M Hub”). Ravenswood, owned by Rise, is New York City’s largest fossil generating facility; the O&M Hub will repurpose the site’s existing waterfront to provide a transition for the facility’s UWUA Local 1-2 workforce, equipping them to operate the AE1 project.

On Staten Island, AKT will be a state-of-the-art wind turbine marshalling facility, sited on the Arthur Kill waterway, seaward of the Outerbridge Crossing and outside of all height restrictions. AKT’s unique location makes it the only marshalling site in New York State and one of only a limited number of locations on the East Coast capable of accommodating offshore wind construction activities without any vessel height restrictions.

AKT will create 435 jobs, the company says, building upon the borough’s longstanding role in the maritime industry. Economic opportunities through AKT include hundreds of construction jobs created to build the facility, along with sustained revenue generation and employment for neighboring communities during decades of offshore wind marshalling operations.

Furthermore, AE1’s proposal to NYSERDA includes $1 million in funding for the College of Staten Island to bolster its offering of offshore wind and renewable energy training.

In Queens, AE1 will establish its permanent O&M Hub at the Ravenswood Generating Station, establishing control rooms, training facilities and warehousing for the AE1 project, as well as upgrading nearly 1,000 feet of existing quayside to allow for docking, vessel operations, and crew transfer activities for offshore wind operations.

“Attentive Energy One’s ports proposal helps solve future constraints for marshalling and O&M activity in New York City,” says Damian Bednarz, managing director of AE1. “With deep water access via the Arthur Kill, and no height restrictions, AKT will be the only offshore wind port in New York capable of accommodating future U.S. wind turbine installation vessels and to most efficiently perform transport of fully assembled turbine components.”

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