Oceantic Network Launches Workforce Showcase Initiatives


Oceantic Network has launched two wind workforce initiatives that the organization hopes will tell the stories of the workers and companies comprising the U.S. offshore wind industry’s supply chain.

This summer, Oceantic Network’s CEO Liz Burdock and staff began visiting member companies across the country to showcase the jobs being created in building an offshore wind industry as part of the organization’s “U.S. Offshore Wind Jobs Tour.” 

The member-based nonprofit has also launched the “I Am Offshore Wind” social media campaign, which aims to highlight the roles, achievements and personal journeys of those working across the U.S. offshore wind supply chain. 

Examples include:

  • The story of Edison Chouest, a 100 year-old Louisiana shipyard now building vessels for the offshore wind industry;
  • A deep dive into the 50 vessels ordered for the offshore wind industry from Gulf of Mexico, Great Lakes and New England shipyards, with steel procured from states like Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia;
  • A visit to the Port of Providence, which is bustling with activity spurred by the construction of the Revolution Wind project and the Port of Davisville, where a long-term operations and maintenance hub is being set up;
  • A spotlight on how offshore wind development is driving and funding vital whale and other marine life research

The network invites the public to share this with the #IAmOffshoreWind social media campaign, encouraging individuals to post a short video describing their work in the offshore wind industry. 

“Offshore wind is working, and so is America,” says Liz Burdock, founder and CEO of Oceantic Network.

“With a thriving supply chain spanning 37 states, it is now more important than ever to highlight the collective success and future opportunity of the U.S. offshore wind industry. It is time to showcase the thousands of American workers behind the projects that are putting steel in the water and delivering clean energy to their communities.”

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