Oceanic Wind Energy Takes Lead in Hecate Strait Offshore Development


Oceanic Wind Energy has negotiated the return of development rights from two Northland Power subsidiaries for an offshore wind project to be developed off the shores of Haida Gwaii in the Hecate Strait, British Columbia.

The project aims to help fill the large growing electricity supply deficit in British Columbia and help meet the province’s CleanBC objectives, the company says.

Oceanic Wind Energy – formerly NaiKun Wind Energy Group Inc. – had sold the development rights to Northland Power in 2020. The original plans called for an offshore wind farm totaling approximately 400 MW of output.

Oceanic’s goals now include working with First Nations and an industry partner that can quickly engage in continuing the development of the project and ultimately be a successful part of the spring 2024 BC Hydro call and future calls. As these relationships are being built, Oceanic will work on consultation with local First Nations communities to solicit their inputs and their interest in participation.

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