Nova Scotia To Host Forum On Wind Energy Opportunities In The Maritimes


Renewable energy project leaders and suppliers will meet in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Sept. 24-25 at the second annual Nova Scotia Feed-in Tariff Forum.

The forum will outline new project opportunities for wind and solar across Atlantic Canada and offer renewable energy decision-makers the opportunity to network and learn about key policy developments.

The forum was created in response to Nova Scotia's renewable energy targets, which call for 25% renewables by 2015 and 40% renewables by 2020. To date, Nova Scotia has approved a 43 renewable energy projects totaling 200 MW under its community feed-in tariff and its recently completed request for proposals.

The owners of 39 of these projects – the majority of which are large wind farms – will join other developers, CEOs, suppliers, grid experts and government representatives at this year's forum, which will focus on key developments for renewables across the Maritimes and feature input from New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island policy experts.

‘Developers want to understand what the real opportunities are for more projects in the Maritimes, and the forum addresses this critical question in a number of ways by looking at policy, transmission and finance,’ says Adrienne Baker, director of Canadian Clean Energy Conferences, which organizes the forum. ‘It also focuses on the challenges and realities for wind projects that will get off the ground this fall in Nova Scotia and the longer-term outlook for building an export market to New England.’

More information is available here.

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