Nova Scotia Delegation Supports Federal Offshore Wind Bill


The Nova Scotia government has recommended to Ottawa that Canadian federal legislation helping to establish the offshore wind industry should pass as expeditiously as possible. 

“Offshore wind and green hydrogen are game changers for our province, and there’s a lot of work to do to establish these industries,” says Tory Rushton, minister of natural resources and renewables. 

“We need our federal partners to move fast so we can stay on course, do our work and make sure Nova Scotia reaps all the benefits of this clean energy for our environment and for our green economy.”

Minister Rushton was in Ottawa speaking in favor of Bill C-49 at the Senate Standing Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources. The legislation would expand the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board’s mandate to regulate offshore renewables. 

It must be passed before Nova Scotia can make the same change in provincial legislation, then go on to issue a call for bids for offshore wind licenses, planned for next year. The province hopes to have its first projects established between 2030 and 2035.

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