NKT Completes Gemini Wind Park Connection Repair Work


Gemini Wind Park in the Netherlands is again fully operational after a failure in one of the export cables between the wind park and the shore.

A group of cable and energy specialists, including a repair team from NKT, helped the park with a fast repair during the summer. The NKT team was responsible for the jointing of the replacement cable between the windfarm and the Groningen coast.

“NKT is pleased to have contributed to the swift repair of the Gemini connection, bringing the wind park back to full operational capacity and supplying sustainable energy to households across the Netherlands,” says Axel Barnekow Widmark, executive vice president, Service & Installation at NKT. 

“Restoring a subsea connection is a complex operation that requires significant skills and expertise. We greatly appreciated the strong collaboration with the Gemini team on the job execution.”

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