New Vaisala Weather Forecast, Data Software Helps Wind Industry


Weather, environmental and industrial measurement company Vaisala has launched Xweather, a forecast and observation suite of services providing real-time and hyperlocal weather and environmental data to predict and solve challenges, including for wind power applications.

Xweather uses a combination of intelligent hardware and software with the latest artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. Its services provide various environmental information, from road conditions and air quality to heat wave detection and lightning strikes. The solution also helps energy grid operators and energy companies with accurate predictions on the availability of wind power.

“Until now, the lack of real-time, local data has been a major source for error in weather and environment forecasting,” says Samuli Hänninen, head of Xweather at Vaisala. “With Xweather, businesses and developers can utilize data about the environment in real time from a hyperlocal location that is relevant for them.”

The data products include MapsGL, a variety of tools to customize and integrate vector-based weather data, imagery and visualizations into applications, as well as historic data sets and forecasted wind data. AerisWeather Weather API provides a range of hyperlocal environmental data such as minutely forecasts, and unique data endpoints like severe weather alerts, tropical storms, air quality, lightning strikes and wildfires.

The solutions for businesses included in Xweather are Wx Beacon, a solution for observation-enhanced microscale weather connected to AtmoCast sensor, Thunderstorm Manager and others.

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