Selsam Innovations / U.S. Windlabs was recently awarded a U.S. patent for floating offshore wind turbines.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued U.S. Patent 10,024,307 for “Floating Marine Wind Turbine” on July 17. The technology focuses on floating foundations using a single vertical tube, ballasted at the bottom, with the tower projecting from the top, often called “spar buoy,” the company explains.
“We introduced this simple idea years ago in previous patents. This new patent is a continuation of those previous patents, with claims directed more specifically toward our original floating foundation concept,” says Doug Selsam, president and CEO of Selsam Innovations / U.S. Windlabs, which has conducted wind energy research in California for the last decade, funded in part by the California Energy Commission.
The design is already being commercially implemented in European waters, the company notes.
“We believe, of the various floating foundation designs being studied, tested and promoted, this spar buoy design represents the most stable and cost-effective configuration, due to its simplicity and deeper penetration, which minimizes the influence of surface waves,” says Selsam.
He adds, indicting that the sale or licensing of the patent is possible, “The fact that this pivotal IP is currently in U.S. hands is advantageous for U.S. interests.”