New Contracts for Empire Wind 1, Sunrise Wind Finalized


New York State has finalized new contracts for the 810 MW Empire Wind 1 project, developed by Equinor, and the 924 MW Sunrise Wind project, developed by Ørsted and Eversource. 

The new contracts came as the result of the state’s fourth offshore wind solicitation.

“New York is leading the nation to build the clean energy industry, create good-paying jobs and advance our climate goals,” says Kathy Hochul, New York’s governor. “Offshore wind is a critical piece of our clean energy blueprint to address the climate crisis, and our investments are building a healthy, sustainable New York so that future generations can thrive.”
Both projects have completed most federal and state permitting milestones. 

Sunrise Wind onshore construction is under way, having received approval of its proposed onshore cable route on Long Island in 2022. 

The New York State Public Service Commission approved Empire Wind 1’s plan to connect to the state electric grid last month. Work is under way to turn the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal into a staging and assembly port and long-term operations and maintenance hub for Equinor.

Empire Wind 1 and Sunrise Wind were previously awarded by NYSERDA in 2019 as part of the agency’s first offshore wind solicitation, and re-awarded in 2023. 

As part of the new contracts, the projects will be held to fresh provisions including:

  • $32 million for community-focused investments in New York’s disadvantaged communities and $16.5 million toward wildlife and fisheries monitoring.
  • Commitments to purchasing $188 million of U.S. iron and steel.
  • Requirements for Labor Peace Agreements for operations and maintenance services.

Both projects are slated to be operational in 2026.

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