Keppel FELS Ltd. says it is on track to deliver Seafox 5 – which the company says is one of the largest and most advanced multi-purpose offshore wind turbine installers of its kind – to the Seafox Group.
Built to Keppel's proprietary Multi-Purpose Self-Elevating Platform design, the Seafox 5 offshore wind turbine installation vessel can withstand harsh offshore environmental conditions all year round in the deeper waters of the North Sea, the company explains.
The vessel has been chartered to Aarsleff Bilfinger Berger Dan Tysk to install offshore wind foundations at the 288 MW Dan Tysk wind farm in the German North Sea.
Measuring 50 meters wide and 151 meters end-to-end, Seafox 5 will be among a handful of purpose-built jack-ups with a 1,200 metric-ton heavy-lift capacity and capable of installing both turbines and large foundations weighing more than 800 metric tons.
Designed by Keppel's research and development arm, Offshore Technology Development, Seafox 5 is a self-propelled installation jack-up vessel that utilizes Keppel FELS' jacking technology. Equipped with Dynamic Positioning 2 capabilities, the vessel is elevated above sea level by four legs that provide 30 meters of clearance between the legs and the crane for easy cargo access, Keppel explains.
Seafox 5 has a carrying capacity of up to 12 3.6 MW turbines, three jackets or four tripods at a time, the company adds.