With New Certification, Siemens Gamesa’s 8 MW Machine Ready For Market


DNV GL has awarded Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE) a type certificate for the SWT-8.0-154, SGRE’s 8 MW offshore wind turbine.

Fully compliant with international wind turbine standard IEC-61400-22, the turbine is now ready for immediate market implementation, says DNV GL, noting that the machine has a rated power increase of 14% compared with the previously certified turbine variant.

The 8.0-154 turbine is an upgrade of the 7.0-154; a new cooling system, new controller and upgrade of the generator enable the higher power output. DNV GL has also been contracted to work on the next upgrade of the 8 MW turbine.

“We are satisfied to have received the type certificate for the 8.0-154 wind turbine ahead of time,” says Johnny Lillelund, head of certification at SGRE. “The efficient certification process is a result of the long-standing relationship between Siemens Gamesa and DNV GL, which allows us to have a reduced time to market for our new offshore wind turbine.”

Axel Dombrowski, director and head of mechanical engineering for renewables certification at DNV GL, adds, “Over the past five years, Siemens Gamesa and DNV GL have worked very intensively on different type certification projects. It is a great pleasure to see the results of our intensive collaboration and continuously improved project management that help to achieve the time-to-market targets and hereby helping the wind industry in reaching the goals for reducing the levelized cost of energy.”

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