N.Y. Offers $11 Million More in Future Grid Challenge


New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has announced the availability of $11 million in funding through the fourth round of the Future Grid Challenge for projects that identify solutions to the technical challenges of integrating a changing energy resource mix into the electric grid. More than $5 million in project awards under the third round of the challenge were also announced.

Says Hochul: “By making our grid smarter, more flexible and cleaner with the use of renewable energy, we can ensure the reliability of our energy system, reduce emissions, and create a more sustainable future for New Yorkers.”

Administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), through Round Four, proposals are sought from single or team providers including researchers, product vendors, asset managers and consultants to develop or demonstrate advanced technologies that will support a reliable modern energy transmission and distribution system. Projects must also advance reduced energy costs and greater quantities of renewables integration, while helping the State meet its ambitious climate goals.

Up to $3 million per project is available to address high-priority grid technologies, including:

  • Improved transmission utilization
  • Operational situational awareness
  • Distribution energy management systems
  • Inverter based resource integration
  • Power electronics
  • Grid modeling
  • Data analytics
  • Artificial intelligence/machine learning
  • Protection systems

The deadline for proposal submissions is 3 p.m. on October 26, 2023. For additional details and associated documents, visit NYSERDA’s website.

Projects awarded under Round Three include:

  • Clarkson University – $399,000: To evaluate the stability and reliability risks associated with a high-voltage direct current meshed network for offshore wind.
  • Electric Power Research Institute – $397,000: To investigate unique situations of the onshore power system as a result of increased offshore wind penetration.
    • $2.3 million: To develop a control-management software so solar, battery storage and other distributed energy resources can provide even further benefits to the grid.
    • $400,000: To study how energy storage deployment can address grid stability issues for transmission and sub-transmission networks.
  • New York University – $187,000: To study a methodology for detecting large power transformer defects without disrupting service for maintenance.
  • Quanta Technology – $400,000: To study how intelligent power electronic devices located at large renewable generation plants can be used to improve visibility and grid operator situational awareness.
  • Switched Source – $1 million: To demonstrate a power electronics device’s ability to improve the efficiency, increase renewable hosting capacity and improve reliability of the electric grid.

Funding for this initiative is through the state’s 10-year, $6 billion Clean Energy Fund.

Photo by Nikola Johnny Mirkovic on Unsplash.

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