Murphy Unveils Plans to Build State-of-the-Art Monopile Manufacturing Facility


Gov. Phil Murphy, alongside EEW, Ørsted, legislators and members of the building trades, has unveiled a $250 million investment in a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility to build monopiles for offshore wind turbines that will serve the entire U.S. offshore wind industry. 

The facility, which will be located at the Paulsboro Marine Terminal in Gloucester County, is the largest industrial offshore wind investment in the U.S. to date and will create more than 500 high-paying jobs at full build-out. Construction on the facility will break ground in January 2021, with production beginning in 2023.

“Developing New Jersey’s offshore wind capabilities has been a key priority of my administration since taking office in 2018,” says Murphy. “Offshore wind is a once-in-a-generation opportunity that allows us to protect our environment while significantly expanding and securing the state’s economy for the immediate and long term. This is the largest industrial offshore wind investment in the U.S. to date and will create hundreds of high-paying jobs at a time when New Jersey’s economy has been ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

In June, Murphy announced plans to develop the New Jersey Wind Port in Lower Alloways Creek, a first-in-the-nation infrastructure investment that will provide a location for essential staging, assembly and manufacturing activities related to offshore wind projects on the East Coast. The development of the New Jersey Wind Port, together with the construction of the new manufacturing facility at the Paulsboro Marine Terminal, is a significant step forward in solidifying New Jersey’s position in offshore wind and clean energy procurement.

Photo: An artistic rendering of Murphy’s proposed monopile manufacturing facility

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