Leeward Renewable Energy Finishes GSG Wind Repower


Leeward Renewable Energy (LRE) has completed the repowering of its GSG Wind project located in Lee and LaSalle counties, Ill. 

The 80 MW repower involved decommissioning 40 wind turbines and constructing 26 new ones utilizing GE technology. The company says the project will be able to generate 50% more energy with a smaller footprint.

“We are pleased to complete the repower of GSG Wind, which has been in LRE’s portfolio since 2007, and expand our presence in Illinois, where we now have nearly 300 MW of generating capacity,” says Jason Allen, LRE’s CEO. 

“The GSG Wind repowering is a perfect example of our ability to produce a greater volume of clean energy with a much smaller footprint, as well as our commitment to being a good steward of the land, environment, and community. LRE has been part of Lee and LaSalle counties for nearly two decades and we look forward to continuing to support the community in the years to come.”

As previously announced, Verizon Communications signed a PPA for the project in 2022.

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