Kennett Township, Pa., Commits To 100% Renewable Energy


On May 2, Kennett Township, Pa., adopted a resolution to transition to 100% clean and renewable energy, the Sierra Club has announced.

Kennett Township has become the first township and fourth municipality in the state to make this commitment, according to the Sierra Club.

The Kennett Township board of supervisors approved a resolution introduced by supervisor Richard Leff to establish a goal of transitioning to 100% clean and renewable energy community-wide. The resolution states that the township will completely transition to renewable electricity by 2035 and renewable energy for heat and transportation by 2050. The resolution says the best strategy for doing so will be to collaborate with other Chester County, Pa., leaders and participate in wind and solar power purchase agreements.

All four commitments to transition entirely to clean energy in Pennsylvania are in Chester County; Kennett Township joins Phoenixville, West Chester and Downingtown, notes the Sierra Club.

“Moving to sustainable energy sources will reduce global heating and open doors to a good future for our children,” said Owen Owens, a Kennett Township resident who gave testimony at the board of supervisors’ meeting.

The resolution also establishes that the board of supervisors will provide guidance for an energy transition plan to achieve these goals by next Earth Day, April 22, 2019. This plan will include interim milestones, financial impacts, equity metrics and potential financing mechanisms, and it will establish a percentage of clean energy that is locally produced.

The full resolution can be found here.

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D. Villorti
D. Villorti
6 years ago

This sounds awesome and I hope change comes forth for this to come to fruition. Unfortunately, PECO is a major impediment to customers who wish to switch over to solar. As such, solar companies are deciding not to operate in PECO territory because of their insane requirements and delays.