Inch Cape Signs 15-Year PPA with SSE Energy Markets


Inch Cape Offshore, developer of the Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm, has signed a route-to-market PPA with SSE Energy Markets.

SSE Energy Markets is set to offtake 50% of the wind farm’s electricity output and associated environmental benefits for 15 years.

This agreement provides Inch Cape with a route to market for its clean electricity from early generation. Full commercial operation is expected in 2027.

The wind farm will comprise 72 turbines sited in the North Sea off the Angus coast with a total installed capacity of 1080 MW. The project is backed by U.K. government contracts for difference and was one of the winning projects in the most recent allocation round.

Construction of the project’s onshore substation is underway in Cockenzie, East Lothian, with the offshore substation jacket and platform being fabricated at the Smulders’ yard in Wallsend, North East England.

The project’s financial close is set for later this year.

Inch Cape Offshore Wind is an equal joint venture between ESB and Red Rock Renewables.

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