Hitachi Energy Provides Grid Connections for Offshore Wind Farms


Hitachi Energy has won two major orders from Equinor and Polenergia to provide an AC grid connection and power quality solution for their jointly owned MFW Baltyk II and MFW Baltyk III offshore wind farms, with a combined generating capacity of 1,440 MW in the Polish sector of the Baltic Sea.

Hitachi Energy will provide each of the two wind farms with an offshore grid connection that will receive the power from the wind turbines and transfer it to shore, a mainland grid connection that will transmit the power into the national transmission system, and a STATCOM power quality solution to ensure that power flows reliably and stably at optimal capacity and at all times, despite the often high variability of wind power.

MFW Baltyk II and MFW Baltyk III are pending a final investment decision in 2024; they are scheduled to deliver first power in 2027.

Hitachi Energy was selected in a competitive procurement process on the strength of its front-end engineering and design (FEED) studies and optimized solutions, and its working relationships over many decades with Equinor and PSE (Poland’s transmission system operator) and, most recently, Polenergia.

“Integrating large-scale renewable energy sources with the power grid is a key enabler of the energy transition and a field in which we have been a pioneer for decades,” says Niklas Persson, managing director of Hitachi Energy’s Grid Integration business. “Our grid connection technologies feature in offshore wind farms worldwide, and our power quality solutions resolve bottlenecks and keep the voltage stable and the energy flowing in power systems globally.”

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