Hexicon’s South Korea FLOW Completes EIA


Hexicon floating offshore wind project MunmuBaram has received EIA approval from Korea’s Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. 

Approval is required to participate in South Korea’s wind power auction system.

The project is a 1,125 MW floating offshore wind farm planned 60 kilometers off the coast of Ulsan, in the southeast region of South Korea. Since July, it has been operated by Hexicon.

The EIA process, conducted by the MunmuBaram project team, involved an examination of potential environmental impacts on both offshore and onshore ecosystems, as well as socioeconomic factors.

“This EIA approval marks a significant milestone for the development of Hexicon’s project portfolio, says Marcus Thor, CEO of Hexicon. “It’s great to see that all the hard work put in by the Munmubaram project team in Korea has now paid off.”

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