Grid Challenge Winners Add Renewables to New York’s Grid


The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has awarded five winning teams under the first two rounds of the Future Grid Challenge, aimed at developing solutions to integrate clean and renewable energy into the electric grid. 

The project teams will help New York’s utilities, such as Central Hudson Gas & Electric, Consolidated Edison, National Grid and Orange & Rockland, improve efficiency and reliability to advance renewable energy integration. These public-private partnership projects support New York’s mandate for a carbon-free electric grid by 2040 and Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Green New Deal, the clean energy and climate agenda that has set the state on path to economy-wide carbon-neutrality.

“Under Cuomo’s leadership, NYSERDA is proud to support projects that advance a carbon-free electricity grid,” says Alicia Barton, president and CEO of NYSERDA.

“The teams selected show how forward-thinking solutions that can meet the New York’s future energy needs to enhance grid reliability and the integrity of renewables while decreasing harmful emissions, reducing energy use and lowering costs for all New Yorkers,” she adds.  

NYSERDA worked with utility companies across New York to identify challenges for its Future Grid Challenge. The challenge is part of The Clean Energy Fund Grid Modernization Investment Plan, providing a total of $110 million through 2022 to help modernize New York’s electric grid and combat climate change.

To learn more about NYSERDA and the five winning teams of the Future Grid Challenge, click here.  

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