Green Marine U.K. CTV Retrofit Initiative Gains RINA Approval in Principle


Green Marine U.K.’s CTV, retrofit with hydrogen, fuel cells and battery, with the aim of cutting emissions while servicing offshore wind farms, has been granted Approval in Principle by global classification society RINA.

Led by Green Marine U.K., the Innovate U.K. funded Project Verdant includes maritime consultancy Waves Group and EMEC (European Marine Energy Centre).

The project’s conceptual design incorporates hydrogen fuel cells connected to electric motors, working in conjunction with existing diesel-fuelled engines, which can be shut down to enable zero emission operation at slow speed while servicing offshore wind farms.

Energys helped design and provide engineering and modeling, while Engineered Marine Systems supplied a design for the battery room.

“Following the review of a comprehensive package of design documentation and drawings, Project Verdant’s technical solution has been officially approved in principle by RINA,” says Jason Schofield, Green Marine U.K.’s managing director. 

“With technical feedback supplied by RINA we now have all the necessary input to progress to the detailed design and implementation phase. Retrofitting CTVs in the manner prescribed by Project Verdant provides a means of significantly de-risking the implementation and testing of hydrogen fuel-cell vessels in the coastal environment. Once the concept has been proven up, there is potential to rapidly replicate. This would enable economies of scale to be leveraged and remove barriers to adoption.”

Project Verdant benefited from economic modeling and insights on hydrogen refueling, logistics and safety from EMEC. 

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