Governors Across U.S. Pledge Commitment To Clean Energy


A bipartisan group of 17 governors has signed the Governors’ Accord for a New Energy Future – a joint commitment to take action to promote clean energy, clean transportation choices and a modern electrical grid.

The accord provides participating governors with a platform through which their states will collaborate, learn from one another and leverage partnerships in energy planning and policymaking.

“American prosperity has always depended on embracing new ideas and technologies,” states the Governors’ Accord for a New Energy Future. “Embracing new energy solutions allows us to expand our economy while protecting the health of our communities and natural resources. These improvements will help secure a safe and prosperous future for our country.”

Participating governors include those from California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington.

Gov. Jack Markell, D-Del., says, “Joining this accord reflects our state’s commitment to continuing our path toward a cleaner, more efficient and sustainable energy future.”

He adds that Delaware has “dramatically reduced greenhouse-gas emissions in recent years, while seeing a 30-fold increase in solar capacity and more than $100 million invested in energy efficiency projects.”

Gov. Terry E. Branstad, R-Iowa, says, “We [in Iowa] generate nearly 30 percent of our energy from wind, and Iowa could be the first state in the nation to meet 40 percent of our energy needs from wind power by 2020 – far ahead of any other state. And Iowa is a growing market for solar production.

“We will continue to pursue policies that will build on the foundation we have already for an even greener Iowa future,” he concludes.

Although the accord, itself, does not offer many specifics, senior advisors to participating governors are expected to convene shortly to discuss initial steps to pursue their shared priorities and commitments.

Rob Sargent, senior director for advocacy organization Environment America’s clean energy program, praises the new accord.

“The states have long been leading the way on clean energy and clean cars, and this announcement shows they will continue to do so,” says Sargent. “Kudos to these governors for pledging to forge a path forward for climate progress and clean air.”

The full text of the Governors’ Accord for a New Energy Future is available here.

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Louis Nye
Louis Nye
9 years ago

Congratulations to all people that have made this possible, I truly wish the Governor of our state would get involved and make it possible for Michigan.
I have been wanting this since I was eight years old and lived on a farm in
the upper Peninsula. I am retired and now live in Osceola County, Sherman Twp.
on the highest elevation on 90 acres.