Former Nebraska Energy Official David Bracht Rejoins Law Firm Kutak Rock


David Bracht, former director of the Nebraska Energy Office, has rejoined law firm Kutak Rock’s corporate practice group and will reside in the firm’s Omaha, Neb., office.

In 2015, Bracht was appointed director of the Nebraska Energy Office by Gov. Pete Ricketts. In that role, he was a member of the governor’s cabinet and a principal advisor on energy policy and the economic development of Nebraska’s energy resources. During Bracht’s tenure, the state’s solar developments expanded 20-fold from just over 1 MW to more than 25 MW, the firm says. In addition, Nebraska now exceeds 1.4 GW of operating wind farms, and at the completion of projects under development, it will have more than 2.4 GW, according to the firm.

Bracht’s professional experience in renewables also includes 10 years as co-leader of the renewable energy and biofuels practice groups at two Midwest-based law firms. Bracht, who earned his J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center, practiced with Kutak Rock from 1997 to 2000.

“David brings more than 30 years of knowledge, experience and real understanding of the unique needs of our clients,” comments Mike Curry, managing partner of Kutak Rock’s Omaha office. “As we continue to grow the firm’s renewable energy and agribusiness practices, David will be an invaluable expert resource.”

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