Eolus, Simply Blue Group Developing Four Floating Offshore Wind Projects


The SeaSapphire joint venture has started early development of four commercial-scale floating offshore wind parks in the Baltic Sea. Two projects will be in Sweden and two in Finland. Eolus and Simply Blue Group each own 50% of the shares in SeaSapphire, through which the partnership will take place.

“The SeaSapphire projects will strengthen and diversify our offshore portfolio,” says Per Witalisson, CEO of Eolus. “Combining Eolus’ long experience of developing renewable projects and Simply Blue Group’s expertise within floating wind will allow us to build a strong and successful partnership. It provides great opportunities to add substantial green electricity production in the Nordics.”

“This is a strong partnership between Simply Blue Group and Eolus, where our ambitions are similar, and our development experiences and competences complement,” states Sam Roch-Perks, group CEO of Simply Blue Group. “Our Blue Economy approach will benefit coastal societies and stakeholders in terms of new jobs and engagements in activities that will make it possible to manage the sustainable energy transition in Finland and Sweden and reach the fossil free targets.”

The joint venture projects are under development, and a strong focus is being put on supply chain development to provide opportunities for local job creation and exploring possibilities of alternative use of produced energy. If all were to go ahead according to current plans, the projects would produce up to 40 TWh/year helping to address Sweden’s and Finland’s ambition and need to increase green electricity generation.

SeaSapphire consists of Skidbladner, located 100 kilometers southeast of Stockholm, Sweden; Herkules, located 60 kilometers southeast of The Island of Gotland, Sweden; Wellamo, located 90 kilometers outside Satakunta Region, Finland; and an undisclosed project located in Finnish Exclusive Economic Zone in the Baltic Sea, Finland.

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