EDF to Develop Gwynt Glas Floating Offshore Wind Farm 


EDF Renewables UK is entering into a partnership with ESB and Reventus Power to develop the Gwynt Glas Floating Offshore Wind Farm in the Celtic Sea.

The partnership sees each company owning a 33.3% share of the project. DP Energy remains a project development partner.  

“We already work with ESB on other projects, including Neart na Gaoithe, our offshore wind farm currently under construction in the Firth of Forth, and the Stornoway onshore wind farm in the Western Isles,” says Matthieu Hue, CEO of EDF Renewables UK.

“We have a close relationship with the Reventus Power team, having worked with them on Provence Grand Large, France’s first floating offshore wind farm. We are fully committed to developing Gwynt Glas Floating Offshore Wind Farm, and look forward to delivering clean energy, supporting skilled jobs and boosting local economies.”

The project is expected to bid in The Crown Estate’s Leasing Round 5.

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