DOE Secretary Announces Initiatives To Promote Clean Energy


At the world's first Clean Energy Ministerial, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced that the U.S. is helping to launch more than 10 international clean energy initiatives. These initiatives will cut energy waste; help deploy smart grid, electric vehicle and carbon capture technologies; support renewable energy markets; expand access to clean energy resources and jobs; and support women pursuing careers in clean energy.

Ministers from 24 governments participated in the two-day ministerial. These countries represent more than 80% of global energy consumption and a similar percentage of the global market for clean energy technologies.

The Multilateral Solar and Wind Working Group will promote accelerated deployment of wind and solar technologies by implementing recommendations from the Major Economies Forum (MEF) Technology Action Plan on Solar and Wind Technologies that was released by the MEF Global Partnership in December 2009.

The Multilateral Solar and Wind Working Group will focus its initial work on developing a global atlas for wind and solar energy and a corresponding long-term strategy on joint capacity building.

Through its activities, the working group will seek to further lower the incremental costs of providing wind and solar energy to all regions of the world – and thereby reduce emissions, create jobs, and promote energy security. In the future, the focus area of the working group could be extended to include other renewable technologies.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Energy

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