Danish Energy Agency Opens Public Comment Period for Hesselo Wind Farm


The Danish Energy Agency has invited the public and other interested parties to comment on the planned Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm by submitting remarks on the project’s Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for its revised southern location.

After the consultation, the agency will examine the remarks, and if necessary, update the plan accordingly. 

The project has an expected capacity of up to 1,200 MW, with its turbines located in Hesselø Bay in the Kattegat, approximately 30 km from Zealand. Electricity will be exported through onshore-buried cables towards the existing high voltage power station Hovegaard north of Ballerup. Deadline for full commissioning of the wind farm is 2029.

In parallel to the SEA, Danish TSO Energinet is conducting an EIA for the land-based part of the project. 

The public consultation of the revised SEA of the plan for Hesselø runs until April 5. A public meeting about the consultation material will be held in Gilleleje on March 19.

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