Consultations Launched for BlueFloat, Renantis Offshore Wind Farms


Consultations have been launched for the BlueFloat and Renantis partnership’s Scotland offshore wind farms, with a scoping request and Habitats Regulations Assessment screening report submitted to the Marine Directorate for the Broadshore Hub Wind Farm Development Areas. 

Based in Edinburgh, the partnership has a 3.3 GW portfolio of floating offshore projects in Scotland: 900 MW in Broadshore, 1.2 GW in Bellrock and the 1 GW Stromar project in development through a collaboration with Ørsted. 

The scoping request seeks an opinion from the Scottish ministers on the scope and detail to be provided in the Broadshore Hub’s EIA. The Habitats Regulations Assessment screening report provides information on its potential impact to nature conservation areas. 

A series of public consultation events are being held by the Broadshore Hub and Bellrock project until Feb. 9. 

“Stakeholder feedback provided to the Marine Directorate will allow Scottish ministers to adopt the most robust scoping opinion possible and inform important aspects of the Broadshore Hub’s EIA, which in turn will improve the quality of the EIA,” says Brian McGrellis, head of consents and land for the Broadshore Hub and Bellrock project. 

“We very much appreciate stakeholders taking time to review the scoping report and screening report and submitting comments to the Marine Directorate. Whilst these projects are at an early stage of development, our consultation events are an opportunity for local communities and stakeholders to meet our development team, find out more about our projects and importantly provide feedback which can help shape our projects going forward.” 

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