Citizens Financial Signs 25.8 MW PPA with Orsted for Sunflower Wind Farm


Citizens Financial and Ørsted have signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) for Citizens Financial to purchase wind energy from Sunflower Wind in Marion County, Kan. The PPA will contract 25.8 MW of the 200 MW of capacity that Sunflower Wind will produce.

Ørsted began construction in 2022, and the project is expected to begin generating power in 2023. Over the lifetime of this PPA, Ørsted will generate more than 1.2 GWh of renewable energy under the agreement with Citizens.

“We’re pleased to include Citizens Financial as a new customer to Ørsted and look forward to helping Citizens achieve their renewable electricity goals for many years to come,” says Ben Pratt, senior vice president of markets and revenue at Ørsted.

“The Sunflower Wind Project marks an important milestone for Citizens as we continue our journey to support a more sustainable future alongside our customers, colleagues, shareholders and communities,” states Beth Johnson, chief experience officer and head of ESG at Citizens. “We’re proud that this project will bring more renewable energy into the power grid and stimulate the local economy.”

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