CIP Inaugurates Zhong Neng Offshore Wind Farm


Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) has completed construction on Zhong Neng offshore wind farm, a joint venture between CIP and China Steel Corporation (CSC). 

Located off the coast of Changhua County in Taiwan, the project is the first offshore wind farm in the country to be completed ahead of schedule and meets the highest localization requirements in the history of Taiwan’s offshore wind power sector, says the company. 

The project was constructed by a team led by Copenhagen Offshore Partners and the local Copenhagen Infrastructure Service Company, the global service provider to CIP.

“We are very pleased to have successfully constructed Zhong Neng, together with our partner China Steel Corporation,” says Mads Skovgaard Andersen, partner at CIP.

“The project was completed ahead of time and to the highest localisation requirements and is another example of how our investments make a meaningful contribution to the local energy transition, creating local growth and jobs and delivering healthy and stable returns for our investors.”

Zhong Neng received local content plan approval from the Taiwan government in 2019, and the first turbines were installed this past May. Full grid connection is expected by year-end.

CIP and other partners currently have three offshore wind projects in Taiwan: the 600 MW Changfang-Xidao, the 300 MW Zhong Neng and the 500 MW Fengmiao.

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