New & Noteworthy

Wind Energy To Surpass Aerospace As Largest User Of Advanced Composite Materials

The wind energy sector will overtake aerospace as the largest user of advanced composite materials as the overall market for advanced composites -...

Full Steam Ahead: Offshore Wind Power Expected To Surge

Global investment in offshore wind power will surge in the next several years, resulting in a steep rise in power-production revenues and translating...

Poll Shows Strong Support For Offshore Wind Power In Maryland

A new poll shows that a strong majority of Marylanders want to see offshore wind power in the state and are willing to...

Study Finds 25% By 2025 Renewable Energy Target Could Create Millions Of New Jobs

New research shows that renewable energy has the potential to create millions of new jobs in the U.S. and result in substantial economic...

GE Eyes Indian Wind Market With New Investment, Partnership

GE Energy Financial Services says it has formed an agreement with India-based Greenko Group PLC to invest in a new venture to develop...

Report: Positive Outlook For Energy-Storage Market, But Challenges Remain

The global market for energy-storage systems (ESS) for ancillary services applications will see strong growth in the coming decade, with revenues in the...

Deepwater Wind Submits Bid For 1 GW Offshore Wind Project

Deepwater Wind has officially submitted its plan to develop a utility-scale offshore wind farm off the coasts of Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The...

CanWEA Releases Guide To Aid Wind Developers Eyeing Canadian Market

In conjunction with its 27th Annual Conference and Exhibition, the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) has released a comprehensive guidance document for developers...

N.Y.’s Clean Energy Manufacturing Industry Gets Boost From Federal Gov’t.

Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y., and U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development John Fernandez have announced $1.95 million in federal Jobs &...

Global Cleantech Investment Up 12% In Third Quarter

Global clean technology venture-capital (VC) investments totaled $2.23 billion across 189 deals in the third quarter, representing 12% growth compared to the previous...

U.S., Israel Collaborating On Several Clean Energy Research Projects

BIRD Energy, a collaboration between the U.S. Department of Energy and the Israeli Ministry of National Infrastructure designed to promote U.S.-Israel cooperation in...

Opportunities Abound For Canada’s Wind Industry, But Challenges Remain

By year's end, nearly 1,400 MW of wind energy will have been installed in Canada in 2011, representing a calendar-year record. However, despite...

CanWEA Lays Out Vision For British Columbia Wind

Although British Columbia is better suited than most places in the world for large-scale wind energy development, the Canadian province has just 250...

BP To Build Massive Wind Farm In Kansas

BP Wind Energy has announced that it will build a 419 MW wind farm in Barber, Harper, Kingman and Sumner counties, Kan....

Poll: British Columbians Strongly Support Additional Wind Power In The Province

British Columbia residents want more wind development in their province, according to a recent Oracle Research poll commissioned by the Canadian Wind...

Ontario’s Wind Challenges Could Extend Well Beyond Election Day

Although wind energy in Ontario has been among the most divisive of issues in campaigns leading up to the provincial election,...

DOE Awards $156 Million For Energy Research Projects

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded $156 million to its Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) program to support 60 initiatives...

New York Power Authority Votes To End Great Lakes Offshore Wind Project

The New York Power Authority (NYPA) board of trustees voted on Tuesday to end the competitive solicitation process for the proposed Great...

Gamesa Opens Offshore Wind Center In Scotland

Gamesa's Offshore Wind Technology Centre at Strathclyde Business Park in Scotland officially opened Wednesday. The center currently employs 40 engineers and expects...

DOER Calls For Clean Energy Provisions As Condition Of Proposed Utilities Merger

The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) filed a brief with the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) Wednesday regarding the proposed NSTAR...

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