Business Network for Offshore Wind Rebrands to Oceantic Network


The Business Network for Offshore Wind, a decade-old association for offshore wind energy, has changed its name and identity to Oceantic Network.

“Our work to create the supply chain, ports, vessels, policies, funding mechanisms and more to support offshore wind in the U.S. is part of a larger mosaic of ocean-based renewable energy technologies,” the organization says. “Research to derive clean energy from the ocean’s tides and waves is ongoing, as are studies on how our country can capitalize on other resources and technologies, such as green hydrogen and ocean-based floating solar farms.”

Being “pieces of a broader interconnected effort to draw power from the sea,” the name “Oceantic Network” better captures the organization’s future work.

“Our new name honors the earth’s oceans,” the network says. “It celebrates that dynamic natural force that is a source of enormous clean, renewable power and connects all that we do. With this rebrand, we will shift our focus to ensuring we realize the full renewable energy potential of our oceans.”

More information can be found here.

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