Bundesnetzagentur Launches Additional Auctions for Offshore Project Sites


Germany’s Bundesnetzagentur has launched further auctions for offshore wind farm sites which the agency says comprise a total 5,500 MW across three pre-investigated sites in the North Sea.

The three sites, situated about 110 km northwest of Borkum island, border the Netherlands exclusive economic zone. The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency conducted a preliminary investigation of the sites on behalf of the Bundesnetzagentur. Successful bidders will not have to carry out these investigations subsequently themselves.

The award will be made using a points system, and includes an assessment of the proportion of electricity from renewable sources used in the manufacture of the wind turbines, use of particularly environmentally friendly foundation methods and the scope of long-term electricity supplies to third parties. 

Bids must be submitted by Aug. 1. Bidders will be informed of the decision and auction results will be published once the bids have been assessed and the award procedure completed.

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